Selected papers(since 2000) |
available as PDF files upon request
Q. Hao, D.S. Yang, E. Pineda, C. Fusco, L. Chazeau, Y.J. Wang, Y. Yang, V.A. Khonik, J.C. Qiao, Reproducing the thermal effects induced by aging in La-based amorphous alloy, Journal of Applied Physics, 2025, v.137, p.085104 (
R.S. Khmyrov, A.S. Makarov, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Relationship between the shear modulus and volume relaxation in high-entropy metallic glasses: experiment and physical origin, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2025, v.332, 130184 ( ).
A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Excess entropy of metallic glasses and its relation to the glass-forming ability of maternal melts, JETP Letters, 2024, Vol. 120, pp. 759–765.
A.S. Makarov, J.B. Cui, J.C. Qiao, G.V. Afonin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Relationship between the entropy of mixing, excess entropy and the shear viscosity of metallic glasses near the glass transition, Intermetallics, 2024, v.175, p.108478 ( ).
J.B. Cui, G.J. Lyu, Q. Hao , F. Zhu, V.A. Khonik, Y.J. Duan, T. Wada, H. Kato, J.C. Qiao, The high-temperature deformation behavior of Pd20Pt20Cu20Ni20P20 metallic glass, Mechanics of Materials, 2024, v.196, p. 105078 ( ).
G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, E.V. Goncharova, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, High entropy metallic glasses, what does it mean? Applied Physics Letters 2024, v.124, p. 151905 ( .
G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Makarov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Fast relaxation in metallic glasses studied by measurements of the internal friction at high frequencies, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, v.996, p. 174783 ( .
G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, E.V. Goncharova, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, High entropy metallic glasses, what does it mean? Applied Physics Letters, 2024, v.124, p.151905 (
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, R.A. Konchakov, V.A. Khonik, J.C. Qiao, A.N. Vasiliev, N.P. Kobelev, Dimensionless parameter of structural ordering and excess entropy of metallic and tellurite glasses. Scripta Materialia 2024, v.239, p.115783 (
G.V. Afonin, A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, J.C. Qiao, A.N. Vasiliev, N.P. Kobelev, V. Khonik, Thermodynamic entropy-based parameter of structural disordering and its relation to the width of the X-ray structure factor and defect concentration in a metallic glass, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, v.983, p.173836 ( ).
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Relation of the fragility of metallic glasses with the mixing entropy and excess entropy with respect to the maternal crystal, JETP Letters 2024, v. 119, p. 458–463, © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. (DOI: 10.1134/S0021364024600393).
N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. A novel view of the nature of formation of metallic glasses, their structural relaxation, and crystallization. Physics - Uspekhi 2023 v.66 (7) 673-690;
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, R.A. Konchakov, J.C. Qiao, A.N. Vasiliev, N.P. Kobelev,V.A. Khonik. Defect-induced ordering and disordering in metallic glasses. Intermetallics 163 (2023) 108041 ( ).
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, M.G. Vasin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Critical behavior of the fluctuation heat capacity near the glass transition of metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2023, v.619, p.122555 ( ).
K. Tao, V.A. Khonik, J.C. Qiao. Indentation creep dynamics in metallic glasses under different structural states. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2023, v.240, p.107941 (
Andrei Makarov, Marina Kretova, Gennadii Afonin, Nikolai Kobelev, Vitaly Khonik. Components of the shear modulus and their dependence on temperature and plastic deformation of a metallic glass. Metals 2022, 12, 1964. (
G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Aronin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Experimental determination of higher order elastic moduli of metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2022, v.580, p. 121406 ( .
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Prediction of the relaxation kinetics of the shear modulus of metallic glasses during crystallization using calorimetric measurements. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2022, Vol. 134, No. 3, pp. 314–320).
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, A.S. Aronin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Elastic dipoles in crystal and glassy aluminum and high-entropy Fe20Ni20Cr20Co20Cu20 Alloy.Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2022, v. 115, p.280-285).
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, A.S. Aronin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Thermodynamic approach for the understanding of the kinetics of heat effects induced by structural relaxation of metallic glasses. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2022, v.34, p.125701 (
R.V. Sundeev, A.V. Shalimova, A.V. Krivoruchko, A.M. Glezer, A.A. Veligzhanin, V.A. Khonik. Comparative analysis of the crystallization mechanisms and kinetics in the Ti50Ni25Cu25 alloy amorphized by melt quenching or severe plastic deformation, Intermetalllics 2022, v.141, p.107372 (
Andrei Makarov, Gennadii Afonin, Konstantin Zakharov, Alexander Vasiliev, Jichao Qiao, Nikolai Kobelev, Vitaly Khonik. Boson heat capacity peak and its evolution with the enthalpy state and defect concentration in a high entropy bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics, 2022, v.141, p. 107422 (
Hongbo Zhou, Vitaly Khonik, Gerhard Wilde, On the shear modulus and thermal effects during structural relaxation of a model metallic glass: correlation and thermal decoupling, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 2021, v.103, p. 144-151 ( ).
Cheng Yi-Ting, Andrey S. Makarov, Gennadii V. Afonin, Vitaly A. Khonik, Qiao Ji-Chao. Evolution of defect concentration in Zr50x Cu34Ag8Al8Pdx (x=0,2) amorphous alloys derived using shear modulus and calorimetric data. Acta Physica Sinica, 2021, v70, p. 146401 ( DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.20210256, ).
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, J.C. Qiao, A.M. Glezer, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Determination of the thermodynamic potentials of metallic glasses and their relation to the defect structure. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021, v.33, p. 435701 (
A.S. Makarov, E.V. Goncharova, J. C. Qiao, N. P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Calculations of the fragility of high-entropy bulk metallic glasses using the data on shear elasticity relaxation. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2021, Vol. 113, No. 11, pp. 723–727 (
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, A.S. Aronin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. On the mechanism of melting in simple metals. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2021, v. 113, No. 5, pp. 345–351 .
A.S. Makarov, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, A.S. Aronin, V.A. Khonik. Relation of the fragility and heat capacity jump in the supercooled liquid region with the shear modulus relaxation in metallic glasses. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2021, v.33, p.275701 (
N.P. Kobelev, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Makarov, A.M. Glezer, V.A. Khonik. Internal friction and dynamic shear modulus of a metallic glass in a seven-orders-of-magnitude frequency range, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, v.869, p. 159275 (
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, R.A. Konchakov, J.C. Qiao, A.S. Aronin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, One-to-one correlation between the kinetics of the enthalpy changes and the number of defects assumed responsible for structural relaxation in metallic glasses, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2021, v.558, 120672 (
V.A. Khonik. Heritage of Professor A.V. Granato: Interstitialcy theory, its origins and current state. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, v.853, p.157067 (
A.S. Makarov , R.A. Konchakov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, M.A. Kretova, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. A simple kinetic parameter indicating the origin of the relaxations induced by point(-like) defects in metallic crystals and glasses. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2020, v.32, 495701 ( )
Q. Hao, J.C. Qiao, E.V. Goncharova, G.V. Afonin, M.-N. Liu, Y.-T. Cheng, V. A. Khonik. Thermal effects and evolution of the defect concentration based on shear modulus relaxation data in a Zr-based metallic glass. Chinese Phyics B. 2020, v29, p.086402 ( ).
A.S. Makarov, E.V. Goncharova, G.V. Afonin, J. C. Qiao, N. P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Calculation of the temperature dependence of the unrelaxed shear modulus of high-entropy bulk metallic glasses from calorimetric data. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2020, Vol. 111, No. 10, pp. 586–590 (
A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, E.V. Goncharova, J.C. Qiao, N.P. Kobelev, A.M. Glezer, V.A. Khonik. Relationship between the shear moduli of metallic glasses and their crystalline counterparts. Intermetallics, 2020, v.125, p. 106910 (
G.V. Afonin, O.A. Zamyatin, E.V. Zamyatina, V.A. Khonik. Thermal rejuvenation of tellurite glasses by cooling from the supercooled liquid state at low rates. Scripta Materialia 2020, v.186 p.39–42 ( )
Andrei Makarov, Gennadii Afonin, Yurii Mitrofanov, Nikolai Kobelev, Vitaly Khonik. Heat effects occurring in the supercooled liquid state and upon crystallization of metallic glasses as a result of thermally activated evolution of their defect systems. Metals, 2020, v.10, p. 417 (
Y.J. Duan, J.C. Qiao, D. Crespo, E.V. Goncharova, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, V.A. Khonik. Link between shear modulus and enthalpy changes of Ti16.7Zr16.7Hf16.7Cu16.7Ni16.7Be16.7 high entropy bulk metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, v. 830, p. 154564 (
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, M.A. Kretova, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Relation between the shear and dilatational elastic energies of interstitial defects in metallic crystals. JETP Letters, 2019, v.109, pp. 460–464( )
A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, K. Csach, J.C. Qiao, V.A. Khonik. Density and shear modulus changes occurring upon structural relaxation and crystallization of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses: in situ measurements and their interpretation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2019, v.521,. p. 119474 ( )
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. On the relationship between the properties of metallic glasses and their maternal crystals. Physics of the Solid State, 2019, v.61, No. 6, pp. 962–968 (
A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Afonin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Predicting temperature dependence of the shear modulus of metallic glasses using calorimetric data. Scripta Materialia, 2019, v.168, p. 10–13 (
Yurii P. Mitrofanov, Andrei S. Makarov, Gennadii V. Afonin, Konstantin V. Zakharov, Alexander N. Vasiliev, Nikolai P. Kobelev, Gerhard Wilde, and Vitaly A. Khonik. Relationship between the Boson heat capacity peak and the excess enthalpy of a metallic glass. Physica Status Solidi RRL, 2019, 1900046. (
G.V. Afonin, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, M.W. da Silva Pinto, G. Wilde, V.A. Khonik., Relationship between the enthalpies of structural relaxation, crystallization and melting in metallic glass-forming systems. Scripta Materialia, 2019, v.166, p.6–9 (
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, J.C. Qiao, V.A. Khonik. Relationship between the heat effects and shear modulus changes occurring upon heating of a metallic glass into the supercooled liquid state. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018, v.500 p.129–132 (
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Afonin, A.S. Makarov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. A new understanding of the sub-Tg enthalpy relaxation in metallic glasses. Intermetallics, 2018, v.101, p.116-122 (
G.V. Afonin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, S.V. Nemilov. Rejuvenation of a metallic and oxide glass by cooling from the supercooled liquid state at laboratory rates.Physica Status Solidi. Rapid Research Letters (RRL), 2018, p. 1800167 (DOI: 10.1002/pssr.201800167).
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Different metastable equilibrium states in metallic glasses occurring far below and near the glass transition, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2018 v.497. p.48-55 .
A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, Yu P. Mitrofanov, R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, J.C. Qiao, V.A. Khonik. Evolution of the activation energy spectrum and defect concentration upon structural relaxation of a metallic glass determined using calorimetry and shear modulus data. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, v.745, p.378-384.
Vitaly A. Khonik, Nikolai P. Kobelev, Yurii P. Mitrofanov, Konstantin V. Zakharov, Alexander N. Vasiliev. Boson heat capacity peak in metallic glasses: evidence of the same defect-induced heat absorption mechanism in structurally relaxed and partially crystallized states. Physica Status Solidi Rapid Research Letters (RRL), 2018, p. 1700412.
G.V. Afonin, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.S. Makarov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. On the origin of heat effects and shear modulus changes upon structural relaxation and crystallization of metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, v.475, p.48-52.
E.V. Goncharova, R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. On the nature of density changes upon structural relaxation and crystallization of metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, v.471, p. 396–399.
E.V. Goncharova, A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Premelting generation of interstitial defects in polycrystalline indium. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2017, v.106, N1, pp. 35–39 (Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2017).
E.V. Goncharova, R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Identification of interstitial-like defects in a computer model of glassy aluminum. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2017, v.29, p. 305701.
R.A. Konchakov, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Estimate of the fourth-rank shear modulus in metallic glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, v.714, p.168-171.
A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Afonin, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, Shear susceptibility – A universal integral parameter relating the shear softening, heat effects, anharmonicity of interatomic interaction and “defect” structure of metallic glasses. Intermetallics, 2017, v.87, 1–5.
V.A. Khonik. Interstitialcy theory of condensed matter states and its application to non-crystalline metallic materials. Chinese Physics B, 2017, v.26, No. 1, p.016401.
R A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, V.A. Khonik. Assessing the role of nonlinear elasticity in shaping the relaxation properties of noncrystalline metallic materials. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 2016, Vol. 80, No. 11, pp. 1411–1413.
E.V. Safonova, R.A. Konchakov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, A.Yu. Vinogradov, V.A. Khonik. Contribution of interstitial defects and anharmonicity to the premelting increase in the heat capacity of single-crystal aluminum. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, 2016, v.103, N12, p. 765–768.
E.V. Safonova, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, R.A. Konchakov, A.Yu. Vinogradov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Experimental evidence for thermal generation of interstitials in a metallic crystal near the melting temperature. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2016, v.28, p.215401 (12pp).
A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.N. Tsyplakov. Prediction of the annealing effect on room-temperature shear modulus of a metallic glass. A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.N. Tsyplakov. Prediction of the annealing effect on room-temperature shear modulus of a metallic glass. Intermetallics, 2016, v.69, p.10-12., 2016, v.69, p.10-12.
N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik. Theoretical analysis of the interconnection between the shear elasticity and heat effects in metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, v.427, p.184-190.
R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, A.S. Makarov. Elastic dipoles in the model of single-crystal and amorphous copper. Physics of the Solid State, 2016, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 215–222.
V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.S. Makarov, G. V. Afonin, A. N. Tsyplakov. Shear modulus and internal friction hystereses during structural relaxation of metallic glasses based on Pd and Zr in the vicinity of the glass transition range. Physics of the Solid State, 2015, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1574–1578.
N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, G.V. Afonin, Thermal and elastic effects upon crystallization of the metallic glass Pd40Cu30Ni10P20, Physics of the Solid State, 2015, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 1715–1718.
N.P. Kobelev, E.L. Kolyvanov, V.A. Khonik. Higher-order elastic moduli of the metallic glass Pd40Cu30Ni10P20. Physics of the Solid State, 2015, Vol. 57, No. 8, pp. 1483–1487.
A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Afonin, V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev. Dependence of the shear modulus on the crystal shear modulus and the structural relaxation kinetics for the Zr46Cu46Al8 system. Physics of the Solids State, 2015, v.57, N5, p.978–982.
R.A. Konchakov, V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev. Split interstitials in computer models of single-crystal and amorphous copper. Physics of the Solid State, 2015, v.57, N5, p.856-865.
V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.S. Makarov, R.A. Konchakov, G.V. Afonin, A.N. Tsyplakov. Structural relaxation and shear softening of Pd- and Zr-based bulk metallic glasses near the glass transition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, v.628, p.27-31.
N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, G.V. Afonin, E.L. Kolyvanov. On the origin of the shear modulus change and heat release upon crystallization of metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, v.411, p.1-4.
A.N. Tsyplakov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev, A.A. Kaloyan. Relationship between the heat flow and relaxation of the shear modulus in bulk PdCuP metallic glass. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015, v.618, p.449–454.
A. N. Tsyplakov, Yu. P. Mitrofanov, A. S. Makarov, G. V. Afonin, V. A. Khonik. Determination of the activation energy spectrum of structural relaxation in metallic glasses using calorimetric and shear modulus relaxation data. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, v.116, p.123507.
A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Mitrofanova. Thermal effects induced during heating of the bulk metallic glass Zr46Cu46Al8. Physics of the Solid State, 2014, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 1297–1301 (Pleiades Publishing).
R.A. Konchakov, V.A. Khonik. Effect of vacancies and interstitials in the dumbbell configuration on the shear modulus and vibrational density of states of copper. Physics of the Solid State, 2014, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 1368–1373. (Pleiades Publishing).
V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev. Alternative understanding for the enthalpy vs volume change upon structural relaxation of metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, v.115, p.093510.
N.P. Kobelev, V.A. Khonik, A.S. Makarov, G.V. Afonin, Yu.P. Mitrofanov. On the nature of heat effects and shear modulus softening in metallic glasses: a generalized approach. Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, v.115, p.033513.
A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, G. Wilde, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, S.V. Khonik. “Defect”-induced heat flow and shear modulus of a metallic glass. Intermetallics, 2014, v.44, p.106-109.
A.N. Tsyplakov, V.A. Khonik, A.S. Makarov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G.V. Afonin, N.P. Kobelev, R.A. Konchakov, A.V. Lysenko. On the nature of the shear viscosity and shear modulus relaxation in metallic glasses. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2013, v.25, p.345402.
A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich. Determination of the susceptibility of the shear modulus to the defect concentration in a metallic glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, v.370, p.18-20.
A. Vinogradov, A. Danyuk, V. A. Khonik. Localized and homogeneous plastic flow in bulk glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20: An acoustic emission study. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013, v.113, p. 153503-1 - 153503-8.
A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, S. V. Khonik. Interrelationship between the shear modulus of a metallic glass, concentration of frozen-in defects and the shear modulus of the parent crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 2013, v.102, p. 091908.
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, A.S. Makarov, V.A. Khonik, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, S.V. Khonik. On the nature of enthalpy relaxation below and above the glass transition of metallic glasses. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, v.101 p. 131903.
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, V.A. Khonik, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, S.V. Khonik, A.M. Khoviv. Relaxation of a metallic glass to the metastable equilibrium: Evidence for the existence of the Kauzmann pseudocritical temperature. Applied Physics Letters, 2012, v. 100, p.171901.
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, G. V. Izotova, G. V. Afonin, S. V. Khonika, N.P. Kobelev, A.A. Kaloyan, V. A. Khonik. Relaxation of the high-frequency shear modulus in bulk metallic glass Zr46(Cu4/5Ag1/5)46Al8. Physics of the Solid State (Pleiades Publishing), 2012, Vol. 54, No. 11, pp. 2145–2149.
G.V. Afonin, S.V. Khonik, A.A. Kaloyan, V.A. Khonik. Internal stresses of deformation origin in bulk metallic glasses of the Pd–Cu–Ni–P System. Physics of the Solid State (Pleiades Publishing), 2012, Vol. 54, No. 11, pp. 2150–2154.
G. V. Afonin, A. S. Makarov, A. V. Lysenko, A. A. Kaloyan, V. A. Khonik. Stress relaxation in metallic glasses of the system Pd–Cu–Ni–P prepared from melts with different glass-forming capacity. Metal Science and Heat Treatment, 2012, Vol. 54, N5 – 6, p.224-228 (DOI: 10.1007/s11041-012-9486-3).
G.V. Afonin, S.V. Khonik, R.A. Konchakov, N.P. Kobelev, A.A. Kaloyan, V.A. Khonik. Internal stresses induced by plastic shear deformation of Zr–(Cu,Ag)–Al bulk metallic glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, v.358 pp. 220-223.
S.V. Khonik, A.S. Makarov, K.M. Podurets, A.V. Lysenko, V.A. Khonik. Comparative study of relaxation behavior of glassy “usual” Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 and “unusual” Pd40Cu40P20 by measurements of the electrical resistance. Intermetallics, 2012, v.20, p.170-172.
S.V. Khonik, A.S. Makarov, A.M. Khoviv, V.A. Khonik. Structural relaxation of an “unusual” Pd40Cu40P20 metallic glass studied by measurements of the electrical resistance. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, v.358, p. 133–135.
G.V. Afonin, S.V. Khonik, R.A. Konchakov, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, N.P. Kobelev, K.M. Podurets, A.N. Tsyplakov, L.D. Kaverin, V.A. Khonik. Structural relaxation and related viscous flow of Zr-Cu-Al-based bulk glasses produced from the melts with different glass-forming ability. Intermetallics, 2011, v.19, p.1298-1305.
Yu. P. Mitrofanov, V. A. Khonik, A. V. Granato, D. M. Joncich, S. V. Khonik. Relaxation of the shear modulus of a metallic glass near the glass transition. Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, v.109, p. 073518-1 - 073518-4.
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, S.V. Khonik, S.A. Lyakhov, A.M. Khoviv, V.A. Khonik. Recovery of the shear modulus of relaxed bulk glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 by cooling from elevated temperatures at low rates. Intermetallics, 2011, v.19, p. 419-422.
A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, V.A. Khonik. Melting, thermal expansion and the Lindemann rule for elemental substances. Applied Physics Letters, 2010, v. 97, N17, p.171911-1 - 171911-3.
V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, S.V. Khonik, S.N. Saltykov. Unexpectedly large relaxation time determined by in situ high-frequency shear modulus measurements near the glass transition of bulk glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2010, v.356, p. 1191–1193.
A.N. Vasiliev, T.N. Voloshok, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, V.A. Khonik. Relationship between low-temperature boson heat capacity peak and high-temperature shear modulus relaxation in a metallic glass. Physical Review B, 2009, v.80, p.172102-1 to 172102-4.
V.A. Khonik, N.T.N. Nguen, S.V. Khonik, A.V. Lysenko, D.A. Khoviv. Usual stress relaxation in an "unusual" Pd40Cu40P20 metallic glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2009, v.355, p.2175-2178.
N. T. N. Nguyen, S. V. Khonik, and V. A. Khonik. Isochronal shear stress relaxation and recovery of bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20.. Physica Status Solidi, 2009, v.A 206, N7, p.1440–1446.
V.A. Khonik, Yu.P. Mitrofanov, S.A. Lyakhov, D.A. Khoviv, R.A. Konchakov. Recovery of structural relaxation in aged metallic glass as determined by high precision in situ shear modulus measurements. Journal of Applied Physics, 2009, v.105, N12, p. 123521-1 to 123521-5.
Yu.P. Mitrofanov, V.A. Khonik, A.N. Vasil’ev. Isothermal kinetics and relaxation recovery of high-frequency shear modulus in the course of structural relaxation of Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk glass. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 2009, Vol. 108, No. 5, p. 830–835.
V.A. Khonik, N.T.N. Nguen, S.V. Khonik, N.A. Divakova. Recovery of the ability to shear stress relaxation of thermally aged bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20. Scripta Materialia, 2009, v.61, p. 153–156.
V. A. Khonik, Yu. P. Mitrofanov, S. A. Lyakhov, A. N. Vasiliev, S. V. Khonik, D. A. Khoviv. Relationship between the shear modulus G, activation energy, and shear viscosity eta in metallic glasses below and above Tg: Direct in situ measurements of G and eta. Physical Review B, 2009, v.79, p.132204.
V.A. Khonik, A.V. Lysenko. The recovery of the shear viscosity of thermally aged bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 by rapid quenching from the supercooled liquid state. Physica Status Solidi RRL, 2009, v.3, N2, p.37-39.
A.V. Lysenko, S.A. Lyakhov, V.A. Khonik, M.Yu. Yazvitskii. Shear viscosity of the Pd40Cu40P20 metallic glass under conditions of isochronous heating below the glass transition temperature. Physics of the Solid State, 2009, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 221–225
N. T. N. Nguen, S.V. Khonik, M.Yu. Yazvitskii, V. A. Khonik. Recovery of the deformability of the aged metallic glass Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 under conditions of testing for shear stress relaxation. Physics of the Solid State, 2009, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 514–517.
S.V. Khonik, O.P. Bobrov, M.Yu. Yazvitsky, A.V. Lisenko, V.A. Khonik. Recovery of viscoelasticity in aged metal glass Pd40Cu30Ni10P20. Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci., Physics, 2008, v.72, N9, p.1255-1259
S.V. Khonik, L.D. Kaverin, N.P. Kobelev, N.T.N. Nguyen, A.V. Lysenko, M.Yu. Yazvitsky, V.A. Khonik. The kinetics of structural relaxation of bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 monitored by resistance and density measurements. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2008, v.354, p. 3896–3902.
S. V. Khonik, N. P. Kobelev, V.V. Sviridov, V. A. Khonik. Recovery of electrical resistivity and viscoelasticity relaxation in thermally aged bulk Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State, 2008, Vol. 50, N10, pp. 1812–1818
V.A. Khonik, N.P. Kobelev. Relationship between the shear viscosity and heating rate in metallic glasses below the glass transition. Physical Review B, 2008, v.77, p.132203-1 – 132203-3.
S.V. Khonik, V.V. Sviridov, O.P. Bobrov, M.Yu. Yazvitsky, V.A. Khonik. Structural relaxation and recovery of bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 monitored by measurements of infralow-frequency internal friction. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, v.20, p.165204.
S.V. Khonik, A.V. Granato, D.M. Joncich, A. Pompe, V.A. Khonik. Evidence of distributed interstitialcy-like relaxation of the shear modulus due to structural relaxation of metallic glasses. Physical Review Letters, 2008, v.100, N6, p. 065501.
G. E. Abrosimova, N. S. Afonikova, N. P. Kobelev, E. L. Kolyvanov, V. A. Khonik. Effect of heat treatment on the structure and elastic properties of a bulk Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State (St.-Petersburg) 2007, v.49, N11, p. 2099-2103.
N.P.Kobelev, E.L.Kolyvanov, V.A.Khonik. Higher order elastic moduli of the bulk metallic glass Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 . Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2007, Vol. 49, N7, p.1209–1215.
S.V. Khonik, V.V. Sviridov, N.P. Kobelev, M.Yu. Yazvitski, V.A. Khonik. Kinetics of structural relaxation of bulk and ribbon Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 glasses determined from electrical resistance measurements. Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2007, v.49, No.8, p.1411–1416..
K. Csach, S.A. Lyakhov,V.A. Khonik. Viscous flow recovery in bulk metallic glasses by heat treatment. Technical Physics Letters, 2007, v.33, N6, pp. 498–501.
Eggers M., Sinning H.-R., Khonik V.A., Neuhauser H. Effects of plastic deformation, H charging on internal friction in bulk, ribbon metallic glasses Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 and Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 . Journal of Materials Research, 2007, v.22, N2, p.274-284.
Bobrov O.P., Csach K., Khonik S.V., Kitagawa K., Lyakhov S.A., Yazvitsky M.Yu., Khonik V.A.. The recovery of structural relaxation-induced viscoelastic creep strain in bulk and ribbon Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 glass. Scripta Materialia, 2007, v.56, N1, p.29-32.
Csach K., Lyakhov S.A., Khonik V.A. Reversible viscoelastic deformation of a bulk metallic glass. Deformation and Fracture of Materials (Moscow), 2006, N8, p.22-25 (in Russian).
Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A, Lyakhov S.A, Csach K, Kitagawa K, Neuhauser H. Shear viscosity of bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 well below and near the glass transition. Journal of Applied Physics, 2006, v.100, N3, p. 033518-1 to 033518-9.
Kobelev N. P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A. An acoustic study of irreversible structural relaxation in a bulk metallic glass. Solid State Phenomena, 2006, v.115, p.117-120.
Bobrov O.P., Laptev S.N., Khonik V.A. Isothermal stress relaxation of bulk and ribbon Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 metallic glass. Solid State Phenomena, 2006, v.115, p.121-126.
Kobelev N. P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A. Nonlinear elastic properties of bulk metallic glasses Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 and Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 . Solid State Phenomena, 2006, v.115, p.127-132.
Eggers M., Khonik V.A., Neuhauser H. Comparing irreversible and reversible structural relaxation in bulk and ribbon metallic glasses Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 and Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 by mechanical spectroscopy. Solid State Phenomena, 2006, v.115, p.139-144.
Csach K., Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A., Lyakhov S.A., Kitagawa K. Relationship between the shear viscosity and heating rate of metallic glasses below Tg. Physical Review B, 2006, v.73, N9, p. 092107-1 to 092107-4.
Kobelev N.P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A.. Irreversible structural relaxation in a bulk Pd–Cu–Ni–P metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2006, Vol. 48, N3, p. 413–419 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Bobrov O.P., Csach K., Khonik V.A., Kitagawa K., Laptev S.N., Yazvitsky M.Yu. Stress relaxation of bulk and ribbon glassy Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 . Scripta Materialia, 2006, v.54, N3, p. 369-373.
Kobelev N.P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A.. Time and amplitude dependences of the damping decrement and shear modulus upon irreversible structural relaxation in a Zr–Cu–Ni–Al–Ti bulk metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2005, v.47, N3, p.411–415 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Kobelev N. P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A.. Effect of deformation and heat treatment on the damping constant and shear modulus of a bulk Zr–Cu–Ni–Al–Ti metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2005, v.47, N4, p.670-673 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Kobelev N.P. , Kolyvanov E. L., Khonik V. A.. Nonlinear elastic characteristics of Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 and Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk metallic glasses. Physics of the Solid State (St-Petersburg), 2005, v.47, N3, p.405–410 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Granato A.V., Khonik V. A. An interstitialcy theory of structural relaxation and related viscous flow of glasses. Physical Review Letters. 2004, v.93, N15, p. 155502-1 - 155502-4.
Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A., Kitagawa K. , Laptev S.N.. Isothermal stress relaxation of bulk and ribbon Zr-based metallic glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, v.342, N1-3, p.152–159.
Vinogradov A.Yu., Khonik V. A. Kinetics of shear banding in a bulk metallic glass monitored by acoustic emission measurements. Philosophical Magazine, 2004, v. 84, N 21, p.2147–2166.
Bobrov O.P., Fursova Yu.V., Khonik V.A. Experimental evidence of Snoek-like relaxation in annealed metallic glass. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2004, v.370, N1-2, p.341-345.
Abrosimova G.E. , KobelevN.P. , Kolyvanov E. L., Khonik V.A. . The influence of heat treatment on the ultrasonic velocity and elastic moduli of a Zr–Cu–Ni–Al–Ti bulk metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State, 2004, v.46, N10, p.1859-1862 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Bobrov O.P., Laptev S. N., Neuhauser H., Khonik V.A., Csach K.. Stress relaxation and viscosity of a bulk Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 metallic glass under isochronous heating conditions. Physics of the Solid State, 2004, v.46, N10, p.1801-1805 (Springer Science, translated from Russian).
Bobrov O.P., Laptev S.N., Khonik V.A. Stress relaxation in Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 bulk metallic glass. Physics of the Solid State (Springer Science, translated from Russian), 2004, v.46, N3, p.471-473).
Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A., Laptev S.N. Isochronal stress relaxation of a bulk metallic glass. Scripta Materialia, 2004, v.50, N3 p. 337-341.
Kobelev N.P., Kolyvanov E.L., Khonik V.A. Low frequency internal friction and structural relaxation in a bulk Zr-Cu-Ni-Al-Ti amorphous alloy. Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: natural and technical sciences. 2003, v.8, N4, p.545-548 (in Russian).
Bobrov O.P., Laptev S.N., Khonik V.A. Stress relaxation in Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 metallic glass. Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: natural and technical sciences. 2003, v.8, N4, p.525-527 (in Russian).
Berlev A.E., Ohta M., Khonik V.A. Creep of Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 bulk metallic glass. Bulletin of the Tambov University. Series: natural and technical sciences. 2003, v.8, N4, p.522-524 (in Russian).
Ohta M., Berlev A.E., Khonik V.A., Kitagawa K. Isothermal creep of bulk glassy Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 below Tg. Philosophical Magazine, 2003, v.83, N30, p.3463-3471.
Kobelev N. P., Kolyvanov E. L. , Khonik V. A.. Temperature Dependences of the Low-Frequency Internal Friction and Shear Modulus in a Bulk Amorphous Alloy. Physics of the Solid State (Springer Science, translated from Russian), 2003, Vol. 45, No. 12, 2003, pp. 2225–2231.
Berlev A.E, Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A., Csach K., Jurikova A., Miskuf J., Neuhauser H., Yazvitsky M.Yu. The viscosity of bulk and ribbon Zr-based glass well below and in the vicinity of Tg: a comparative study. Physical Review B, 2003, v.68, N13, p.132303-1 to 132203-4.
Bobrov O.P., Khonik V.A., Laptev S.N., Yazvitsky M.Yu. A comparative internal friction study of bulk and ribbon glassy Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 . Scripta Materialia, 2003, v.49, N3, p.255–260.
Golovin Yu.I., Ivolgin V.I., Tyurin A.I., Khonik V.A.. Serrated deformation of a Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk amorphous alloy during nanoindentation. Physics of the Solid State (Springer Science, translated from Russian), Vol. 45, No. 7, 2003, pp. 1267–1271.
Khonik V.A. Mechanical relaxations in metallic glasses. Mechanical Spectroscopy II. Proceedings of the 2nd International School on Mechanical Spectroscopy MS-2 held at Krakow-Krynica, Poland, December 3-8, 2000. Ed. L.B. Magalas. Solid State Phenomena, 2003, v.89, p.67-92.
Berlev A.E., Bobrov O. P., Csach K., Kaverin V. L., Khonik V. A., Kitagawa K., Miskuf J., Yurikova A. Nonisothermal creep of bulk Zr52.5 Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 metallic glass. Journal of Applied Physics, 2002, v.92, N10, p. 5898-5903.
Fursova Yu. V., Khonik V.A. The kinetics of infralow-frequency viscoelastic internal friction induced by irreversible structural relaxation of a metallic glass. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2002, v. 82, N10, p.567-573.
Khonik V.A. Comment on "High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Si-B-C-N-Precursor-Derived Amorphous Ceramics and the Applicability of Deformation Models Developed for Metallic Glasses". Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2002, v.85, N7, p.1903.
Fursova Yu.V., Khonik V.A. Amplitude dependent viscoelastic internal friction of metallic glass. Scripta Materialia, 2002, v. 46, N7, p.519-523.
Khonik V.A., Ohta M., Kitagawa K. Heating rate dependence of the shear viscosity of a finemet glassy alloy. Scripta Materialia, 2001, v.45, N12, p.1393-1400.
Golovin Yu.I., Ivolgin V.I., Khonik V.A., Kitagawa K., Tyurin A.I. Serrated plastic flow during nanoindentation of a bulk metallic glass. Scripta Materialia, 2001, v.45, N8, p.947-952.
Khonik V.A. The kinetics of irreversible structural relaxation and rheological behavior of metallic glasses under quasi-static loading. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2001, v.296, N3, p.147-157.
Csach K., Filippov Yu.A, Khonik V.A., Kulbaka V.A., Ocelik V. Non-isothermal strain recovery as a result of irreversible structural relaxation of metallic glasses. Philosophical Magazine A, 2001, v.81, N8, p.1901-1915.
Khonik V.A., Kulbaka V.A. The kinetics of the strain recovery of metallic glasses. Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy (in Russian), 2001, v.3, N2, p.157-160.
Khonik V.A. Glasses: structure and structural transformations. Soros Educational Journal , 2001, v.7, N3, p.95-102 (in Russian).
Khonik V.A. The role of structural relaxation in the plastic flow behavior of metallic glasses. Izvestiya RAN, seriya Fizicheskaya, 2001, v.65, ą10, 1465-1471 (in Russian).
Khonik V.A., Ohta M. Activation energy spectrum of irreversible structural relaxation of Finemet glassy alloy. Physica Status Solidi (a), 2001, v.184, N2, p.367-372.
Khonik V.A., Kitagawa K., Morii H. On the determination of the crystallization activation energy of metallic glasses. Journal of Applied Physics, 2000, v. 87, N12, pp. 8440-8443.
Ocelik V., Fursova Yu.V., Khonik V.A., Csach K.. Non-newtonian deformation of Co-based metallic glass at low stresses. Physics of the Solid State (USA, translated from Russian), 2000, v.42, N4, p. 679-682.
Fursova Yu.V., Khonik V.A. Viscoelastic infralow frequency internal friction as a result of irreversible structural relaxation of a metallic glass. Philosophical Magazine A, 2000, v.80, N8, p.1855-1865.
Khonik V.A. The kinetics of irreversible structural relaxation and homogeneous plastic flow of metallic glasses. Physica Status Solidi (a), 2000, v.177, N1, 173-189.